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The best things in the world are free. Like mother's love. And the sun's rays. One as warm and embracing as the other. You have always wanted the sun's radiance and energy in your home. Now Su-Kam makes your wish come true and goes a little beyond.
Introducing Su-Kam's Solar Home Lighting System (SHLS) that harnesses the sun's energy to light up your home and power small applications. With benefits that extend both to your wallet and to the environment, Su-Kam Solar Home Lighting System is not just a 'clever idea', it is a 'responsible' one. |
Use a Gas Geyser or change to a Gas Water Geyser With CG Gas Geyser today! With the rising costs of electricity and conventional methods of heating, a gas geyser can save you money month on month. With a gas water heater, you are not paying for your geyser to be kept hot all the time, as this gas geyser system works with a pulse igniter that ignites the instant you open your hot water tap. Similarly the second you close the hot water tap your gas water heater stops. This is the most efficient method of hot water systems. For more information on how a Gas Geyser can save you money and for a full quote contact us today! Think smart! Think Gas Geyser! Think Ecoblue Gas Geyser. |
Solar Home Lighting System is an environment friendly and cost effective solution for rural home lighting requirements. A typical home lighting system consists of 2 nos of 1 Watt energy efficient LED Lights, Solar Photovoltaic module, Battery and a Charge Controller. The Solar module charges the battery during daytime and the energy thus stored in the battery is used for powering the lights when required. The home lighting system has efficient electronics which controls the over charge and over discharge of the battery and helps in increasing the life of battery. |